2-5 Self Inductance
- The circuit element that requires that a voltage across it be directly proportional to the rate of change of current
through it is an inductor. Quantatively, this formula looks like this
is the symbol for inductance. When
is in volts,
is in amperes, and
is in seconds, then
is in henrys.
This is an image of the whiteboard notes I took on this subchapter and how I put it together in my mind. It repeats the formula shown above defining voltage in terms of inductance, and current change over change in time. It goes on to show how the energy in joules is calculated by summing up the power over time.
This second whiteboard image expands upon the concept of summing up the power times the time to get the energy. Again, this is just a simple Calculus concept that I wanted to expand into a detailed illustration because it so clearly describes the relationship between power and energy.