Chapter 1-1 : Basic Electrical Quantities
- The most elemental quantity is electric charge.
- Charge is measured in coulombs.
- The charge on an electron is negative and is equal to 1.591 X 10-19 coulomb.
- A field of force exists in the vicinity of a charge. This is the electric field.
- Charges must move in order to make an energy transfer.
- The rate of motion of charge in a circuit is called the current.
- The unit of current is called the ampere; one ampere exists when charge flows past a point in a circuit at the rate of one coulomb per second.


A whiteboard discussion of the concepts of coulomb and ampere may help to clarify the points a little bit.

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Going the other direction,


- Charge is the quantity that flows through a circuit whereas current is a rate, that being, the time rate flow of charge.
- Current is a vector quantity; it has both magnitude and direction.
- The potential difference between two points in a circuit is the work or energy involved in transferring a unit of positive charge, one coulomb, from one point to the other.
- Potential difference is measured in volts.
- Work is defined as moving a charge through a potential difference.

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The energy,

- A source of electrical energy that generates a potential difference is called an electromotive force.
- A circuit carrying current also generates another type of field of force. That is the magnetic field. Its motions, caused by a changing current in the circuit, may also cause induced voltages in other components.
- Power is the rate of energy transfer. It is the time derivative of the energy.

Where current and voltage are functions of time then it is possible to represent the total energy transfer as

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